Saturday, July 24, 2010

Luke 10:17 - Finding Joy!

Saturday Nights at Selah with Tony Dang

Most people around us invest into many things. Some of us invest our money in retirement plans, trust, stocks, and houses. Some of us invest our money in creating a business and opening up firms or shops. I talk to most of you guys and you have plans those plans. These plans aren’t easy and are risky. But why do we do this?

We know there is a reward or payoff at the end.

We have been learning a lot lately about what it takes be Christian and the hardship that comes 
with it. I have to deny myself and take up the cross. I have to be humble and not great. I will be rejected and hated by the world. I have no real comfort or place in this world. I have to go out and do things I normally would never do. These are all hard things and it makes serving God look like something you don’t want to invest your life into. But serving God does have its awards. In fact there is a lot award but we will focus on one aspect of it tonight. Joy.

Yes, serving God is a Joyful thing. When we serve God we will experience joy. We can find this in the passage that we are going to read tonight in Luke 10: 17-20. Let’s look at how serving God is joyful!

First we have joy in the battles that are won. Victory for God’s kingdom is a joyful thing. Winning battle is a joy we have in Jesus Christ. Turn to Luke 10: verse 17 – 18. Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.” So Jesus sent out seventy people out to prepare the way for Jesus. During this time the Seventy most likely perform miracles, cast out demons, declared Jesus as the Messiah, and labor for the Lord. Great and mighty things were happening for the kingdom of God. A spiritual warfare was happening and Satan was losing. The people were excited and happy to see all these great and mighty things happening. They came back with joy knowing the battles were won on this mission. You can see this when it says then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” Not only were the seventy joyful but Jesus was too. The joy does not end with the people who are winning the battle for God but for everyone in God’s kingdom. You can see this when Jesus told them that He saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Jesus was joining in with their joy by conforming what they were saying. Isn’t it exciting to see when God’s people go and be victories for God’s kingdom? 

When I hear story of you guys healing the sick, bring the lost to God, praying for the helpless it brings a joy to me. I am sure for you guys too. This week An, Vinny, Chor and I went to Bolsa to pray for the helpless and needy. To let them know there is a God who loves them and cares for them. Some of us were busy before, some of us came late, and we didn’t know what we were doing at first. I was about to not go because I was busy selling a lot of my stuff, I haven’t eaten, shower, and rested all day long. But An told me to just go, so I did and I did not regret it. I am not good at talking to random people and I don’t know how to speak Vietnamese. I was doubting the success and worth of my present in this reaching out for Bolsa. I’m sure people who went were feeling the same way too. To my surprise, it was Great!!!! People open up to us, and were open for us to pray for them God even brought people to us. After finishing that day, I had a sense of Joy. I felt spiritual battle were won that night and that I should continue.

You may wonder what about if you don’t see victory and you feel like you are fighting a losing battle. The fact you don’t see victory does not mean victory is not there. The battle we are fighting is not with flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle. It may not seem like we’re winning battle, but we are in the spiritual realms. We all know that victory is sweet. You can see in the face of the Kobe when they won the champion ship this year. Why not be on the winning side. We can find joy in the battles that are won for God’s kingdom.

We know that we find joy in the battles that are won for God’s kingdom, but where else can we find joy in when serving God. We can have joy in the power we have in Jesus Christ. Having authority in Jesus Christ is a joyful thing. The power we have in Jesus Christ brings us joy. Turn to Luke 10: 19. “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” So after the seventy came back and reported to Jesus of the great things. Jesus went on and told them about power they have. They have authority to trample on serpents and scorpions. Serpents and scorpions usually represent Satan or demons. This mean we have the authority to defect them in Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is in us, He who is in us is great then he of the world. Jesus went on and said that we have authority over all the power of the enemy. Isn’t this a great thing to know that you have authority over all the 
power of the enemy? And that nothing shall by any means hurt you. This just peace and confidence in Jesus Christ.

This remind of a movie that came out like an year ago. It was called paranormal activity. This was a very low budget movie, only cost about 18,000 but made millions. The story was based on a couple that lived in a house. The female always had bad nightmare or felt that an evil present is following her when she was younger but it went away as she grew up. Weird things started to happen at night, so the guy went and left a 
camcorder recording all night. So during the movie you are seeing everything through the lens of the camcorder. I bunch of weird things started to happen in the video. Nothing really scary, but very demonic. They found out it was demon but the guy issue it was nothing and started to mess with the demon. I’m not going to tell what happens at the ending but this movie is a great example about our power in Jesus Christ. The things that were happening in the movie were nothing really scary but people were scary of the fact that there might be a demon and they can’t do anything about. People were freaked out and scared to the point where they could not sleep alone that night after watching that movie. I was glade and joyful that I was a Christian. I knew Satan or Demons have no authority over me and that my God who is in me is greater.

When you look at super hero like superman, Spiderman, batman, and Ironman, they all have special power. They all use their power for the good of mankind. Even though they have villains and face horrible situation they continue. I am they doing to save human lives, but I am sure they do it for the joy of doing good with the power they have. It is an awesome thing to know you have power over the enemy and that you can help and saves the lives of many. You can really look at yourself as super hero for God’s Kingdom. God has given us the power to set the captive free, to heal the sick, to cast out demon, and save the dyeing. It is a joy that God has entrusted us with this great power over the enemy and responsibility.

You may ask “I know we have power in Jesus Christ but I don’t see it in my life” The answer is do you really believe and what are you doing with it? First you need faith that God is able and will do great and mighty things through you. Second you need to go out and do God’s will. It is very point for God to empower if you’re going to do nothing with it. So go out in faith and case out demon, save the lost, and heal sick.You will see that you will find joy in the power we have in Jesus Christ.

Lastly, we have joy in the salvation we have in Jesus Christ. Having eternal life with Jesus Christ is a joyful thing. Not going to hell is something to have joy in. Let’s turn to Luke 10: 20. “Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” So the seventy were happy about the success and power they have in Jesus Christ. Jesus wanted to remind them that they shouldn’t just rejoice in that but also remember to rejoice in your salvation in Jesus Christ. Sometime we can get lost in the success in ministry or in life that we lose focus on the greatest thing in life which is God’s salvation for us. The Salvation of God is the most awesome gift ever and we should always rejoice in that.

This reminds me of people who are in debt. A lot of people rack up the loans. They owe more than what they could handle. It becomes unbearable and unpayable. It may seem like forever before you could ever pay it off. Picture someone person came and paid it all off for you. You would be forever grateful to that person. Your joy would be unbelievable. This is us with God. Our sin has been earning the wages of death. We been racking up our debt more and more each day. But Jesus came down and paid the price for us with His life. This is debt that is unpayable and we can’t even equate the cost of what Jesus had to do for us. We should rejoice in this fact for rest of life. Why aren’t I am joyful when I think about my salvation? A lot of time we lose focus on the cross. We forgot the cost of my forgiveness and what Jesus went through for us. God became men. Became the bridge between God and men. Took on the beat and the cross. Died for our sin. And took upon our sin. And rose up again.

Look back at where you used to be, and where you were heading. How empty and hopeless life were before God. Once you do all this you will find that we have joy in the salvation we have in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Street Evangelism - 7/14

I got some requests to blog our previous evangelism experience due to the two healings that we saw last week, and so this blog is a response to those requests.

First off, this blog will not just be about the miracles we saw but it will be about our experience as a whole. I hope to keep up this blog to tabulate our evangelism experience from now on every time we do go out in hope that as you read, you will be encouraged to go and do likewise. Another reason why I want to describe everything in full context because we are commanded to count our cost before we step out, and if I only describe the good without the bad, I will mislead you. We saw God touched and healed people, but we also experienced rejections and many spiritual warfare we had to overcome that raged on in our minds.

Myself, Tony, Quang, and Vinny met at Vinny's place at about 5:40PM last Wednesday, prayed for couple of minutes, then we were on our way to Asian Garden Mall. Personally, my first impression of Asian Garden Mall was this is going to be very difficult. The idea of just approaching strangers to talk to them about some God that they have no clue about in a setting that is full of statues and idols feels overwhelming. On top of that, these people came from a culture that is already deep in idolatry and they were already busy with their own daily business makes me feel like I had no reason to even be there. Regardless, I kept quiet and did not say anything that would discourage my teammates and we carried on. However, the mental battle continued to rage on in my mind of how impossible this was. If you want to do street evangelism, overcoming the mental battle is probably the most difficult thing. I am sure the other guys felt the same way as well but we kept our cool for the most part and did what we came to do.

We decided to split into two groups: Tony with Quang, and myself with Vinny. Me and Vinny walked around a little bit to find a middle aged Vietnamese man that was just standing there, so we figured he would be a good candidate to speak to. I came and introduced myself. I tried to stir up a conversation with him about what he thinks about the afterlife, and his response was that he's not the owner of the store and the person I need to talk to is that guy over there behind the counter. I quickly picked up his clue, shook his hand, wished him a good day, dust off my feet, and carried on. We walked around a little bit more and notice a young guy who has been walking around aimlessly and so we approached him. I introduced myself and Vinny asked him if he got a minute to talk. He said he does have time because he's just trying to pass time, but as soon as he found out that we were Christians and that we approached him with some agendas of our own, he told us he has some errands to run. We shook his hand, wished him a good day, dust off our feet, and carried on.

We met back with Quang and Tony to find out that they also had no luck. The stores were about to close and there weren't a lot of people around and so we decided to go to a business plaza across the street and go to the super market since Vinny had to buy something there. Outside the supermarket was a little mom & pop botany shop, and in the shop, I noticed a man with a back brace and so I pulled Tony to go with me to talk with the man. He was a middle aged Vietnamese man. This was my conversation with the man with the back brace in my broken Vietnamese:

Me: I noticed you have a back brace. Do you have back pain?
Man: Of course I have back pain! Who doesn't? Why do you asked?
Me: Oh, I have a way to make your back better. (I know how I phrased this may be odd to some of you, but it works. Ask me if you want details.)
Man: What's that?
Me: If you let me put my hand on your back where it hurts, I can pray and make you better.
Man: umm...ok.

He was the owner of the shop and there were people standing around listening to our conversation. By the time we started praying for him, there were some bystander and a security guard all stood around watched us as we prayed. We asked him to do something that would normally hurt his back, and so he lightly bend around and said it is hurting right now. Then we prayed. In our healing prayer, we thanked God for the healing he's about to do, then we commanded the pain to leave the man's back. After about 5 minutes of praying, we told him to test his back and see how it feels. And so he bends over forward, then backward, then forward again with a little more force, then backward again even with more force, then he went and twist his back as if he's trying to crack his back. I was a little puzzled with the force he was exerting on his back and so I asked him:

Me: How does it feel?
Man: It doesn't hurt anymore. My wife over there also have back pain. Can you two pray for her also?
Me: Of course.

Tony went and prayed for her. Tony thanked God for the healing, commanded the pain to leave her, and spoke healing to her back. After about 5 minutes, the wife's back was also pain free. After they were healed, we told them that obviously we ourselves had no power to heal, but it was Jesus in us who healed them. Jesus died for them so that they can be healed. Jesus can heal not only just their bodies but also their soul and spirit and that they can have eternal life in Jesus. We asked them if they want eternal life and to receive Jesus in their life. They said yes, of course. We found out that they were Catholics and go to St. Barbara Church from time to time. We chat a little more and they told us to come back sometime. Me and Tony decided that we will come back to follow up with them soon.

We turned around to find Vinny and Quang talking to a man. Me and Tony hung around a little bit to let them finish their conversation then we headed off. We dropped Vinny home. Then me, Quang, and Tony went and had 40% off Pho, then we went to Tastea for some boba to finish a good day's work.
-An D.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Luke 10

Saturday Nights at Selah with Vinny Lam.

Luke Chapter 10.   
     Before I got saved, I longed for acceptance. Because of this, I started to follow certain group, making friends and all because I want to feel a sense of belonging. Because of my insecurity, I hate rejection. Even in relationship and the fear of rejection has become a close companion in my life. Before someone rejects me, I reject them first. Always looking for some reason to moves on or stop hanging out with them. And the whole time, I thought I have everything under control. But little did I know, the fear of rejection is controlling me. It got a hold on me for as long as I can remember. Years passing by, and one day, when I was reading the Gospel for the first time in my life, I start to notice something similar, something that struck the very core of my inner most being. Something that make my fear of rejection with “oh poor me” attitude like a little kid sitting on the bench. Or better yet, my experience is nothing in comparison to the Son of God is going through. He face rejection, ridicules, spit at, yell at, suffer a punishment way beyond my wildest imagination and even to death, yet, He endured it all without a single word of complaint. Without holding any neither grudges nor even any hatred in His heart. How can that be? And the whole time I thought that I was the victim of the victim until me reading this.
    Tonight, we will continue our study from Luke chapter 10 and let look at how the Lord showing us how to handle rejection.  If we want to serve God, how can we handle rejection in the Ministry? How to deal with rejection the right way.What is His perspective about this matter? And as His ambassadors, what is the right way to handle rejection. What is the consequence of those reject Christ and His Gospel.  
    Some of us might think, “You don’t understand brother”. “I’ve have deal with this problem all my life and now it also effecting my ministry as well.” “It is hard you know, not that easy as you said.” “My experience is different than yours, how could you compare to yours, which is not fair!”
    And you might be right. Rejection is a part of life. But how do we handle them is determent the outcome. Every one of us experience in similar situation, but the feeling is the same. It’s suck to be rejected. If God allowing us to going through and experience rejection, shouldn’t we have to be careful and be on high alert when in coming dealing with the Lord. “Behold, I stand at the door and knock”. Lest we rejecting His love, rejecting His forgiveness, rejecting His grace, His fellowship. Rejecting of worshiping Him. And serving Him. Or rejecting His calling for your life. And the list goes on and on… and the most common thing is rejecting to fellowship with His people. In what way, you might ask. Well, you probably don’t go to Church. Or going to Church after the worship team already plays. That is the sign of rejecting of worshiping God with His people. So with these attitudes, and personal experiences, when it come to serving the Lord, we have a tendency of doing nothing in the fear of rejection or in our rejection of what God has called us to do. That is why we never experience the Lord in the most and mighty way. So let look at the text here tonight and see what the Lord has in store for us.  
1.         Continue to be faithful in our calling despise of rejection
    Continue to be faithful in our calling, continue to trust in God when He appointed us something to do. You’re going to face rejection from the people, but continue to press on, hold fast to what you have been called to do. Don’t despise God’s calling because you feel insecure and afraid that no one will listen to you. Don’t let that be the reason for you not to heed into God’s call. But instead, be steady; die hard to God’s calling for you
    But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, ‘The very dust of your city which clings to us we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, which the kingdom of God has come near you. But I say to you that it will be more tolerable in that Day for Sodom than for that city. And so, whatever city, or town which the disciple enter in, and the people of the particular town do not receive the disciples, He told them to go out into its street, wipe off the dust and also tell the people that the Kingdom of God has come near you. What does it mean when the Lord said wiping off your feet? Shaking the dust off your feet meaning, I don’t want to be stain from your sin due to your rejection. I don’t want to be affiliate with you, not even having the dust of your ground on me. The Lord didn’t say that curse them, or call fire from heaven on them. This is simply a sign of warning. The disciple came and bring the Gospel to the city, however, the citizens whose abiding there love darkness rather than light, therefore, they are rejecting the light, the truth of the Gospel. Re refuses to listen. This does not mean that I don’t care for you, nor I don’t love you. But it means that I don’t want to be a part of what you are doing. And you are doing this with love, neither with anger nor resentful attitude. Simply shaking off the dust of the ground and saying the Kingdom of God has come near you.
    Have you ever tried to witness to someone and they are simply refusing to listen? Well, the same situation here. You might try for several times and that’s it. You have to move on to someone else. You can’t lingering there and make them to listen to you. Few years back, when selling from door to door is still popular because we don’t have internet yet. Cell phone is barely being introduced in the market and pager is the only source of communication being available at that time. I see these people walking from house to house and trying to sell perfumes or some kind of product and they are persistence in what they do. But when someone refuses, they just simply go to the next house. They don’t shake the dust off their feet but they moves on. They don’t linger in one place, camping out side of that house and hoping to sell something. They just move one. Leaving a pamphlet about the produce and just left. They don’t throw rock at the house or spray paint it. They just goes on.
    And as you can see. Rejection is a normal part of life. But the consequences is more severe in this matter is the Gospel is not a normal product. It is a revelation of God. Life and death matter. Not a bottle of perfume or a cookie. This is life changing message. The message which transforms us, changing us, a power of God unto salvation for all mankind is on our shoulders. We need to be persistence, faithful, and trustworthy of this holy calling that God has calling us to do. Handle rejection with love. Tell them that the kingdom of God has come near them. Warning them about the judgment to come and the danger of rejecting life. Which lead us the second point tonight. 
2.    God will judge the one that rejects Him   
    God told us to shaking the dust off our feet. Tell the people that the Kingdom of God has come near them. He didn’t tell us to judge them nor condemn them. That is His place to do so. How the people react is up to them. How we react is far more important because we are the messenger of God. Let God deal with their reaction. It is not our place to command fire, sitting in the place of a judge. Because God is just and His judgment is fair. We judge people according to how we feel. God judge them according to His truth and their deeds.
    “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.  But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you.  And you, Capernaum, who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades. He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”
    Woe to you…the word of the Lord is never wasted.  The two cities Chorazin and Bethsaida has been destroy until this very day. These two cities are the most prominent, widely known to that area for their grain and fishing industries. These are the two Jewish cities along the Galilee costal. Chorazin is located on the side of a large hill about two and one-half miles north of Capernaum. This city is remembered as one of the three key cities in which Jesus spent much of his ministry. These cities, Capernaum, Chorazin and Bethsaida formed what is called the "Evangelical Triangle," the small area where most of Jesus’ miracles were displayed (Matt.11:20). Chorazin also has the dubious distinction of being one of the cities that Jesus cursed. The city is mentioned only twice in the New Testament (Matt.11:21; Lk.10:13), and both instances concern the curse that Jesus placed upon it. Surprisingly, Chorazin’s archaeological remains have yielded no evidence of first century settlement on the present site. What kind of mighty works that the Lord performed there, I do not know. The Apostle John said that if everything that the Lord has done and being written down, this whole world cannot contain the entire books that written about the works of the Lord. Despise everything the Lord has done, these people lives remain unchanged. No repented, no change of hearts. Since these two cities are located near other Gentiles cities, probably idolatry is a big deal. But for what reason, they rejected His love and message. This is serious. This proved that men loves darkness more than light because their deeds are evils. The archaeological excavations at Chorazin may also help us understand why the people received such a curse from God. Although it obviously happened some generations after Jesus, it is truly interesting that the descendants of these people would allow a Medusa to be built right into their synagogue wall. Its presence betrays assimilation with the Greek and pagan practices of the time. We know from other sources that this assimilation was going on in Jesus’ time and actually as early as Maccabeean period in the second century BC.
     Of course the Medusa came directly from Greek mythology and was the most famous of the monsters known as Gorgons. Supposedly anyone who looked directly at Medusa was turned to stone. According to mythology she was killed by Perseus, who cut off her head. But we might ask what in the world is this thing was allowing to be brought into the synagogue?

    But what about the people that never hears about the Gospel? What will happened to them? How God is going to deal with that? I am a believer already; I don’t see how is this going to affect me. I am saved. I think I am ok.
   These are legitimate questions and statements. We are living in the new culture. A communication culture. We have internet, radio broadcast, television broadcast. Telephone, satellite. Everything happens here, in 5 minutes, it will be broadcasting on youtube. Beside all this, God is just. God holds us responsible for the knowledge that we have. God does not hold a man responsible for knowledge that he does not have. To whom much is given, much is required. To whom little is given, little is required. God is fair in judgment.
   The sin against light is the greatest sin that man can commit. Because Light has enter in the world and men love darkness more than light. Men refuse to come to the light lest their deeds will be exposing. And for those who are saved. Let me ask you this, do you see God in your life? Is there any change since the day you were believed and call upon His Name? Are you simply going to Church as a routine and then going home. Listen to message after message and remaining the same. Better yet, is God real to you? Do not be deceive my brothers and sisters. Remember the Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum. Learn from their mistake. Don’t take advanced of the regular visit of the King of kings. Don’t just say that: “Oh, I see that before.” Don’t take His love and mercy lightly.
    Sometime we have to shake the dust off our feet. God said that I am going to deal with them. It’s not your responsibility to deal with them. It is His. My responsibility and your responsibility are not to be successful but to be faithful. But the Lord will take care of converting and judging. You and I are just being faithful in our calling. Now, if they are not accepting, shake off the dust and moves on, He will deal with them. There are people who have come near to the kingdom of God and have never entered in, and that is always to be a tragic thing. That Herod Agrippa should say to Paul, "Almost thou persuaded me to become a Christian." He came near to the kingdom of God, but He didn't enter. And I say unto you, that it shall be more tolerable in that day [that is, the Day of Judgment that is to come] for Sodom, than for that city (Luke 10:12). Now for this city, it would be more tolerable than Sodom, because the kingdom of God came near. They had the exposure, but they did not enter in. And thus, for that city it would be more tolerable for Sodom than for that city, because Sodom did not have the same exposure to the truth.
Continue being faithful of God’s calling for your life. It is a blessing to be a part of His ministry. For those whose reject Him, Let God deal with that. And for our parts, we just simply obey and carry out the message of His Love to the lost world. Think of the blessing of sharing in the harvest. We belong to a two- thousand-year-old heritage of ministry. We contribute to a battle to reverse the presence of evil in the world. We partake in a relationship with the Lord of heaven and earth. We experience the blessing of forgiveness that only He offers — a blessing that comes to those who see Jesus. Two thousand years may have passed, but the greatness and uniqueness of that blessing never fades.

Eternal love in Christ,
Vinny Lam

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Retreat- Revamped SCHEDULE

1FRIDAY JULY 30.2010
75:30 PM - 6:30 PMDINNER
87:00 PM - 9:00 PMEVENING SERVICE - Pastor Thanh Tran
99:00 PM - 10:30 PMFREETIME Prep skit
12 SATURDAY JULY 31.2010
13 6:30 AM - 7:00 AMHIKE- CHO / JOG- VINNY
158:00 AM - 8:45 AMBREAKFAST
169:00 AM - 9:45 AMMORNING CHAPEL- Tony Dang
"Sin Cycle"
1812:00 PM - 12:45 PMLUNCH
215:30 PM - 6:30 PMDINNER
227:00 PM - 9:00 PMEVENING SERVICE - Pastor Thanh Tran
239:15 PM - 10:00 PMSKIT
27 6:30 AM - 7:00 AMHIKE- CHO / JOG- VINNY
298:00 AM - 8:45 AMBREAKFAST
"Spiritual Resuscitation"
3110:00 AM - 11:45 AMMORNING CHAPEL- Guest Speakers
3212:00 PM - 12:45 PMLUNCH
343:00 PM - 5:30 PMFREETIME
355:30 PM - 6:30 PMDINNER
367:00 PM - 9:00 PMEVENING SERVICE - Pastor Thanh Tran
41 7:30 AMWAKE UP
428:00 AM - 8:45 AMBREAKFAST
439:00 AM - 9:45 AMPACK UP
4410:00 AMDEPART