Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Impact of the Gospel

 4For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you, 5because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. You know how we lived among you for your sake. - 1 Thessalonians 1:4-5
Paul had only been with the church for a couple days but they already had faith, hope, love, and endurance in Jesus Christ. Paul explained to them why it was that he was so certain about their eternal position in the Lord.
V4 The believers were chosen by God: Jesus loves us and His love doesn’t end. It continues day by day. The love of God is irrevocable. Under that perfect and fathomable love, he has chosen us. He chose us out of a divine election because of his love; Deuteronomy 7:6-8. He predestined the day that we would receive the gospel of Jesus Christ. He chose us before we were even born.
V5 The believers had power to preach: Paul was sure of the election from God of the church of Thessalonica because they had come to know Jesus Christ through the sharing of His word. They were chosen by God because when the gospel came to them, they ran with it. They didn’t receive the gospel merely with words, but with the power of the Holy Spirit. When the spirit moves, empowers, and anoints, the words we preach are not only words. We need Spirit lead preaching that only comes to us through prayer. When this happens, the word becomes power.
The Word of God is power. Let it speak for itself. Let the message be significant and the messenger be insignificant. We should preach the Gospel with passion and conviction. When we do, it is not words; it is the Holy Spirit speaking.

Monday, October 25, 2010

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3

 1Paul, Silas, and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you.2We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers. 3We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
-1 Thessalonians 1:1-3
V1 These were the people that God had called at the moment.
Paul was regarded as small person with a very big heart. He wasn’t the most handsome man in the world. In fact, he wasn’t attractive at all. He was a man who truly understood the meaning of God’s calling and God’s Power.
Silas was a prominent leader among the leaders of the early church. He volunteered to go into the missionary field with Paul. He sang praises to God in the prison the cold prison cell that lead people to faith in Christ.
Timothy was a timid and shy person who would rather hide in the crown then stand among thousands preaching. It’s amazing to see him stand next to Paul in the ministry.
Sometimes we’re so into the physical appearance of a person that we neglect people who are small. If we allow ourselves to be stuck in the mentality of this world we can lose out on the calling of God for our lives. Paul, Silas, and Timothy were small people who did great things despite their physical flaws.
V1 The church in Thessalonica didn’t exist by man but by God the father and Jesus Christ. It was a church built in God. Paul greeted the church with grace and peace.
V2 Paul was thrilled to hear from the church. He had missed them a lot and longed to learn of their well being. When he discovered that the church was thriving, he thanked God and prayed continuously for them.
V3 When thinking about the church in Thessalonica he was thankful for their:
1.       Faith: Paul thought about the warm faith that was in action and the fruits that were produced by it.
2.       Labor: He thought about the labor they went through because of their love for God. It wasn’t small labor; it was hard, bloody, sweaty labor. These people were burnt out for the cost of the Gospel. These people loved God unconditionally.
3.       Endurance: They endured if the face of difficulty. They rose above the storms and pressed forward in the hope they have in Jesus Christ.

Backround of The Church of Thessalonica

Lessons to Learn in Thessalonians
Sunday Morning Chu Thanh 10/17/10
Background of 1 Thessalonians (References found in: Acts 16-17)
The region of Thessalonica was named after Thessalonica, the half sister of Alexander the Great and the wife of the general. It was at wealthy city with many roman officers. The location of commerce attracted many Jewish merchants. They took advantage of the commercial trading. The harbor attracted a lot of evil and immorality because of the links it had to other regions.
During Paul’s second missionary trip, he saw a vision of a man in Macedonia. He was weeping for Paul to come and evangelize to the city. Paul, Timothy, Titus, and later Luke, sailed across the Aegon Sea to Europe. They first stop at a powerful well established city. Paul casted out a demon from a girl and this landed them in jail. Paul traveled to Thessalonica and went into the synagogues to preach. Paul’s central message was that Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected. The Greeks in the synagogues heard Paul’s message and received Christ. The Church of Thessalonica came into existence. This church would not have come into being without the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit in Paul.
We are a Pentecostal church seeking the power of the Holy Spirit. However, God has already given us the power but we are not doing anything with it. The church would not have come into being without the deep guidance from God.
The Jews that kicked Paul out of Thessalonica followed Paul and tried to stop him from preaching. Paul went south to Corinth and continued preaching. Paul looked back and his heart yearned for the church back in Thessalonica. Timothy later gave word to him that the small church was still thriving and growing.
Paul was impressed to write to Thessalonica:
1)      He encouraged the new believers to stay faithful in spite of trials and persecution.
2)      He wrote to refuse the false charges that were put against him.
3)      He wrote to talk to them about the returning of Jesus Christ and the last days.
 Christians who are expecting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ we shouldn’t have room for:
1)      Idols in our heart, 1 Thessalonians 1:9
2)      Slackness on service, 1 Thessalonians 2:9
3)      Division in fellowship
4)      Depression 1 Thessalonians 4
5)      Sin
We don’t want Jesus to come and see us indulging ourselves in these things. If he does, we will bring shame to Him.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

What will be written on your tombstone?

Sunday Mornings Chu Thanh 10/10/10
2 Timothy 4:6-8
6For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."
Paul’s final words give us a guideline of how to live and how to die.
3 Perspectives Paul looks from
1) The present V6: Paul saw his death as a last sacrifice to God. Paul was saying that he lives to declare the love the God gives and will die as a sacrifice to God. Every step that Paul took was devoted to God. His life was given unto God even as he took his last breathe. Paul said that his death was nothing more than a departure. He was leaving this world behind but setting off into eternity. He knew that being absent from the body was to be present with the Lord. Paul faced death with great courage, as much as he faced life with it. There was no fear. He looked at the present and saw that he had given his whole life to God. There were no regrets.
2) The past V7: Paul looked at his past with satisfaction. He had given every effort for the kingdom of God. He lived according to the calling God set forth before him. A lot of us fight and quarrel over useless issues. This is worthless. The spiritual battle is the thing worth fighting for. Paul had lived his life with the full armor of God on. Paul stood upon grace and acted upon faithJ. He was able to build the church, cast out demons, heal the sick, and bring multitudes to Christ. No enemy could touch him because of this armor he had put up. He had fought the good fight victoriously and noblely.
Paul now was alone, sitting in a cold sell with no one. Perhaps he heard the whispers of the enemy. He didn’t listen to those voices. Paul didn’t stop midway and chase other things. He never forgot about God. All that God had given him to do, Paul had done. He had finished the race.
The messages that Paul preached, he had lived out. He had no regrets about it.
3) The future V8: Paul looked toward the future. His life devoted to God will bring him great reward as God crowns him with the crown of righteousness. Many people don’t look forward to the appearing of God because they don’t know anything about it. The crown of righteousness is ready in heaven for those who love the Lord and have patiently waited and longed for His appearing.
When Paul died, his tombstone would probably have read “Paul fought a good fight, he finished the race, and he kept the faith”.
When we die, what will be written on our tombstones? We need to look ahead of us and examine the direction we are going toward. When we arrive at our destination, will we be able to say that we had given our entire heart to Jesus?

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Paul's Charge

Sunday Mornings: Chu Thanh, 10/3/2010
2 Timothy 4:1-4
 1In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of his appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge: 2Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 3For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. 4They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
These are the last inspired words written by Paul the Apostle as he prepares to be executed.
Paul’s Charge
V1. The seriousness: the charge that Paul gives is in all seriousness. He is bringing us to Heaven’s courts, charging us to do this charge under the witness of Jesus Christ. This is a commission handed to us by God in a strict and serious manner.
The honor: Because it is from Heaven’s courts that we receive this charge, it should be the highest honor for us. Being an ambassador of God is the most honorable thing above all else.
The focus: Spiritual focus is what Paul had in prison as he sitting along in a cold cell, awaiting his death. “Paul did not focus on the visible success of Timothy’s ministry but on the excellence of his service” –John MacArthur. It’s not about us, how prominent we are, how powerful we are, or how big our church becomes. It is about the excellence in our faithfulness to the calling in which we were charged.
V2 Preach the Word: We can’t make excuses saying that only pastors and preachers preach. Preaching only means to announce the good news. All of us are called to preach. Every genuine believer in Jesus Christ has a message to proclaim. God didn’t give all of us the ability to preach in front of thousands of people with efficiency and fluency. However, our abilities shouldn’t be our focus. We are to preach the Word of God regardless of our talents. The focus is that the Word of God will speak for itself and change people’s lives. The wisdom and ability of man only goes so far. God’s word is powerful.
Be ready: Be prepared in readiness, urgency, and vigilance. Preaching the Word is not a light matter, but a matter of life and death, redemption and condemnation. We should preach the Word in season and out of season as fountains of living water for people to draw from whenever they walk past us.
Relevancy and Practically: We should preach the Word to correct, rebuke, and encourage. Some people ask for apologetics and proof for God’s existence so we need to know the Word well. Others have been living in sin their entire lives and only need to hear that they are heading in the wrong direction. We should be able to preach to each person according to their circumstance.
Be Patient: No one comes to God unless the Holy Spirit intervenes in their heart. We need to be patient and wait upon the power of God.
Reason for Paul’s Charge
V3-4 People only listen to what they want to hear. They will create their own teachings. They will gather people around themselves so they would be told what they want. They will start to turn their ears from sound doctrine and listen to myths. We need to bring light to their ears.

Monday, September 27, 2010

What are we to do?

Sunday mornings, Thanh Tran 9/26/10

 10You, however, know all about my teaching, my way of life, my purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, 11persecutions, sufferings—what kinds of things happened to me in Antioch, Iconium and Lystra, the persecutions I endured. Yet the Lord rescued me from all of them. 12In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, 13while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:10-16

Live the Word of God V10-11Timothy had seen Paul in the good times and bad times. Timothy has known Paul long enough to realize that Paul was a man that lived the word that he preached. If he preached holiness he would live a holy life. If he preached righteousness then he would live righteously. Christianity has a lot to do with doing the basic things well. EX NBA players are magnificent athletically. The only way they were able to reach that point of excellence, they had to master the basics. Following the doctrine consistently is a basic thing that many of us still haven’t achieved.

Live by the Will of God V12 Paul says that all Christians who desire to live a Godly life will become persecuted. Living a Godly life exposes the ungodliness in other people and they will begin to hate you. Paul suffered because he obeyed the will of God. Acts 13-14 Paul is in Lystra. He met a man crippled man and under the guidance of God’s spirit, Paul told the man to get up and walk. The man jumped up and was healed. A crowd was formed and the priest came out of the temple ready to sacrifice to Paul. The crowd wanted to make sacrifices to him. Paul tore his clothes and told them not to worship him. He said he was only a man. As a result, the crowd became angry and Paul was stoned. Paul says that living in obedience to God’s will, will cause us persecution, but we should do it.

Live for Other People V13 Paul realized that the days ahead would grow even worse, people would get worse. The church has to live up to its challenge and calling. Humanity will grow darker and the only way to solve this problem is to bring the Gospel to the lives of these people. We can’t depend on society or government to change the hearts of people. We need to bring light into this world by the Word of God.

V14 We need to carry on even in the face of suffering. We should live for the spiritual well being of other people. Each of us need to embrace the challenge and live beyond ourselves and start living for other people. While others stumble in darkness, we need to continue in what we learned. As we are living for other people, keep in mind that we won’t even realize whose lives we are changing.

Live in the Word V16 The bible is not a book that men made. It is the Word of God. The bible is complete, true, and trustworthy.

1) The bible is unique in its continuity. It is written in different languages, countries, and circumstances. Despite this, the bible still speaks in unity. From beginning to end, the bible was knit together perfectly.

2) The bible is unique in its survival. No other book in this world has ever been attacked more than the bible and survived.

3) The bible is unique in its honesty. The bible exposes the sin of humanity. It brings truth and righteousness to a sinful world.

4) The bible is unique in its influence. The bible has changed more lives than any other book because it is the Word of God.

5) God uses prophecies for building proof that the bible is His word. It is impossible for one man to fulfill even a few prophecies. God gave prophesies all throughout the bible, and Jesus Christ fulfilled every one of them.

The bible is true and we can trust it. We can live in it and lets its power manifest in our lives. Live in the Word.

Allow God’s Word to Speak to Us Let the word of God convict us and mold us into the people we once were, passionate and loving. Our outlook has changed, our mentality has changed. We no longer worship the way we used to. Let’s let the word of God bring us back to him.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It’s Getting Worse

Sunday Mornings 9/19/10 - Thanh Tran

 1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.
 6They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. 8Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these men oppose the truth—men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.
2 Timothy 3: 1-9

There was a man whose wife cooked his eggs wrong. The man shot his wife. The daughter went to the neighbors and the father shot the daughter and the neighbor. He also shot a man that saw.

What would Paul say about this?

V1 We are living in the last days. Paul says that during the last days, there will be terrible things going on. Paul would say that what we are seeing now will be even worse as time goes by. The heart of man will continue to spin out of control in a downward spiral. It will get worse and worse, until Jesus comes back. Paul is telling us about the human condition. There are 19 conditions of man’s sinfulness and depravity, but they can be summed up in three categories.

1) Self love: V2 Paul says that in the last day, men will be lovers of themselves. Selfishness is the basic root of sin and from this, all other sins will arise. It’s no wonder why Jesus said that his disciples should deny themselves, crucify themselves daily, and pick up their crosses. When the love of self happens, other sin will branch out.

They will become lovers of money, pleasures, lust, rather then lovers of God. If people love themselves, they will love money. They will strive putting money first, before family, friends, and do anything they can to make money. EX. There was a man who owns half the city of Newport Beach. During the process his wife divorced him, and his children abandoned him.You become proud and boastful. You can identify these people because they are “know it alls”. On the inside, they know nothing. Parents urge their kids to become doctors and engineers for the purpose of making themselves look good. These people are prideful and selfish and boastful.

2) Rebellion: V3 These people are disobedient to their parents. Usually if they don’t obey their parents, those children won’t have any respect for any other authority either. They are unable to be subjective to anyone who has any authority. They become unloving. Without a love for family, society will have big problems. EX. In Florida there was a group of schoolmates who got together and plotted to run away from home. There was a 15 year old girl who got scared and wanted out. The group abused the girl and murdered her. Afterward, they all went out for ice cream with no sense of guilt. They were headstrong, out of control. When the home is broken, there will be problems in society. When the home becomes a boat of demonic activity, the children will rebel.

3) Ungodly things: V5 People will have a shadow of Godliness. People will look at them and think that they are really holy. They will see a form of Godliness but on the inside there is absolutely nothing. They are hypocrites. EX. There were people in Israel who claimed to know God. When they prayed, they prayed loud and made it know. When they fasted, they would blow trumpets. When they tithe, they show off what they give. On the inside, these people were snakes. Jesus looked at them and called them “white-washed tombstones”. The tombstone is clean, but on the inside, there are dry bones. EX. There was a youth pastor that was giving a funeral. At the funeral he said he was close enough to them to call them his mom or dad. Six weeks later, he was arrested for killing them. He was stealing from their checking account. He had a mask, and when he took it off a murderous, corrupt face emerged. 

V8 Jannes and jambres. Exodus 7-8 These men were the magicians who opposed Moses before the Pharaoh. They were they men who imitated Moses when he performed miracles. Satan can do miracles and he can empower his people to do miracles. However, his power is limited and is no match to God’s. In our time, people will do the same. We need to have discernment to determine these things.
The sad thing is that Paul was writing to a church. He was addressing the conditions of the people in that church. This is very sad.

3 Things the church can do
1) the church is in a spiritual warfare. Our battle is not with flesh and blood but with powers and strongholds that will intensify. We are commanded as soldiers of Jesus Christ to put on the full armor of God. We can’t go to battle leaving behind any armor.
2) Have doctrinal discernment. Test every message with the word of God. There are people who will try to deceive us. They would perform miracles and wonders, but they are actually false teachers. If we don’t know the bible and the full counsel of God, how will we distinguish form right and wrong.
3) Be faithful until the end and be faithful to our tasks. The battle belongs to God and has been won by Jesus. In the meantime, we need to keep being faithful to God and fulfill our tasks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Vessels of Honor

9/12/10 Sunday Mornings - Thanh Tran

2 Timothy 2:21-26
21If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.
 22Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24And the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.

Purity (v. 21-22)
Desiring to be a honorable person before the Lord means desiring to be pure before Him. The people that God chooses to use are holy and pure people. God doesn't seek people who are well trained, but people who are pure vessels. Striving for holiness and purity is something that will allow God to use us for his work.

But how do we cleanse ourselved from impurities and maintain that holiness? Simple. Run away from evil, and run toward the things of God. Flee from "youthful lusts" and run after faith and righteousness. Surround yourself with the company of other christians so that you can run with people who will encourage you.

Manifestation of Spiritual Discernment (v. 23)
We have to have the ability to understand what is right and what is wrong. You are no longer a "container" filled with knowledge, but a representative who is able to use that knowledge. There are many people out in the world who love to argue and to prove themselves. We are not to take part in those useless quarrels. They lead to nothing and edify no one.

Gentleness (v. 24)
When we talk to people, we should approach them with a tone of gentlness. We shouldn't be people who pick fights and love to quarrel, but people who are able to teach. People will receive more when we speak to them with gentleness, not when we speak with resentfulness.

Humility (v. 25)
Being humble is not neing weak. Jesus was humble but He sure wasn't weak. Being humble is not about winning arguments but about winning people to Christ. Humbleness give us the ability to correct people and draw them near to to God. We want to show people love and bring them to Jesus, not push them further away.

Compassion (v. 26)
As vessels of honor, we need to recognize that the people who approach us with quarrels and bitterness, are truely hiding themselves underneath a mask. Underneath the masks are hurting people who have been captured by the devil. These people have stayed away from God and developed a coldness. If we realize this and have compassion then someone's life can be changed. Take the life of Jesus for example. Every time Jesus did anything for people stemmed from His heart of compassion. Jesus knew the people were lost and confused. We should act with the compassion that Jesus had.

If we walk this life in purity, righteousness, gentleness, humbleness and compassion, we can become vessels of honor.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

How Do I Pray Effectively?

9/11/10 Saturday Night - Anh Viet (Phillip Ma)

Matthew 6:11-13
  11Give us today our daily bread.
 12Forgive us our debts,
      as we also have forgiven our debtors.
 13And lead us not into temptation,
   but deliver us from the evil one.

When praying, we have to recognize our connection with God as one through a father-child relationship. God has adopted us as His sons and daughters. We need to pray, with the realization that God has a plan and He will one day carry through with His will.

Good prayer includes:
A) Requests for daily physical needs (v.11)
We should pray for our daily physical needs, such as practical necessities. Ask God what is enough for today. Lift our burdens up tp God and He will provide for us. The prayer has ten lines but only 10% of it is to ask God for our daily physical needs.

B) Requests for daily spiritual needs (v.12)
The need to have spiritual bread is vital in our walk as christians and something that we should pray for. A very important spiritual need includes the forgivness of sins. We need to ask God for forgivness daily so that we can come before the Lord with no barriers. Asking for forgivness daily doesn't mean that we are forsaking our salvation, but is a tool to break down walls between us and God. For example: In a marriage, a couple might get into an argument. Realizing that they have a problem and need to solve the issue doesn't mean they are no longer married. It only means that they are eliminating anything that seperates them.

C) Requests for spiritual protection (v.13)
As humans, we tend to walk as close to sin as possible, without sinning. God wants up to flee from those temptations to sin, not divulge ourselves in them. Because God does use those temptations to build our character and endurance, we need to pray for God to protect us and help us to withstand temptations when they do come.

This prayer is an outline for us to follow when we pray, not something to reapeat ritualistically. Remember to pray for physical needs, spiritual needs, and spiritual protection when you pray this week! :)

David's Experience With SD Urban Project

My Experience of God Being in San Diego Urban Project

I want to thank you all for your financial support and prayers.  I am so blessed by the San Diego Urban Project.  Though the mission was not in another country, there were people from all nations gather in the inner city of San Diego, at City Heights.  I have seen a part of America for which I thought it was not possible today: I seen poverty, refugees, giant poor apartment complexes in one block, and trash all over the landscape.  There seems nothing significant and exciting about City Heights, when people in other parts of San Diego have fun in the beach or at Sea World.  The place seems to be a boring and filthy…
I know that God would bring out His power and strength to let me see how much He cares about the poor, the needy, and the marginalized in our nation.  He is after all, the God of justice.  However, I have problem seeing how His principles can be live out in our reality.  I also have problem how God says about the problems the world faces today.  When our system is broken by greed and racism, some people turn a blind eye to serious issues of the world and instead pursue goals of being rich and famous.
God had spoken to all of the people in San Diego Urban Project and we saw Him worked in the city.  I will the write a letter about the significant and important moments that have happened to me when I came on the trip.  (If you want to talk to me more about the mission trip, you can Skype me or meet me in some place at San Diego so we can talk to each other during the weekdays.)  After that, I close by telling a few stories I heard from people about the kids I had met at the trip.  I divided the letter into four sections: San Diego Urban Project Overall, Learning Day, New Heights Project, and “Stories and Last Words”.

San Diego Urban Project Overall:
                San Diego Urban Project is a mission trip to the inner city in San Diego in City Heights.  In the past, the place is known for gangs, rising crime, and violence.  It has high-density level in population because the area contains many apartment complexes and few single-family houses.  The people who lived there are diverse: refugees from Africa and Asia and immigrants from Mexico and South America countries.  The leader of the team is Chizu Shimzu, an InterVarsity staff who had worked in San Diego State University and has started to work with the International Christian Fellowship in UCSD this year.  The team members are Thien Pham from California State University, Fullerton; Amber Kolkebeck from University of Illinois, Laura Uribe and Steven Yuan are from University of California, San Diego, and Patrick Chan and Jonathan Kao are UCSD graduates.  Lastly, Brandon Buzbee, an InterVarsity staff from UCSD, came to the project with his wife Jes.  That was our team.  J
                The project started at July 1 and ended at August 6.  One of the rules in the urban project was that we were not allowed to use any technologies (laptop and cell phones).  So in July, I didn’t what was going on the world.  I had no idea that Lebron went to the Heats, BP oil spill was still going, or any comments that were made on Facebook.  I only use the computer once to give you guys the update on Facebook at library.  There were many things we did together in SDUP and, because of that, we became closer to each other and God.
                One of the things we did in SDUP was that we went to a different church every Sunday.  We went to five different churches: the first was a Somalia church; second was a mass at a Catholic Church, third was the black church, Grace Community Church; and the last one was Harbor Mid-City Church.  Their way to worship God and preached to the people in church was different than I was used back in my home church and at Coast Vineyard, and, sometimes, those differences would make me feel a bit uncomfortable.  Now that I look back, I wish I was not anxious and try to engage with the congregation.  Despite that, I enjoyed going to these churches.  The church I enjoyed the most was Harbor Mid-City and for many reasons I will say later on in this letter.
                After church, the team did the Sabbath.  I really enjoy the Sabbath with the team.  When I did the Sabbath at my dorm in UCSD, I did it for four hours and all by myself.  I know God was there, but the experience was really weak compare to the Sabbath I had at the mission trip.  L  At the Sabbath in the mission day, the Sabbath was a whole day with my teammates, talking about our life and God next to Starbucks at the Urban Village in City Heights and eating our 75 cents McDonald ice cream.J  One of my favorite moments in the Sabbath was when some of the team did paint drawing.  Laura Uribe had brought an art set and canvases.  I got really excited when I started to paint and draw a picture of a city on the hill.  The Sabbath proved to be the most relaxful time ever with God and our team.  I really want to do this when I come back to school.  (If you guys are interested, we can try to do the Sabbath together in one of the day per week.  We go to McDonald near the apartments to eat our 75 cent McDonald ice cream cone and talk about life and God together.  J)
                During the project, we lived and interacted with the people in the inner city.  The girls moved into the duplex (a building with two houses inside) while the guys and Brandon and Jes Buzbee moved in to the apartment complex in Pacific Cove.  The apartment complex has three floors, and there was no elevator, but stairs.  The living conditions and the structures of the place almost resemble to the old, high rise apartments in the ghettoes.  The five guys had an apartment on the second floor and Brandon and Jes on the third floor.  The apartment had one bedroom and one bathroom.  It was problem when the guys didn’t bring any furniture, air conditioner, or mattresses for our apartment.  Thank goodness Joon Han (used to be InterVarsity staff worker) and Chizu brought furniture such as a table and couches, a lamp, a fan, and the mattresses for us to use in our apartment.  Without these gifts, the guys and I would be sleeping on the floor in burning temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit at pitched-dark night.  All five guys slept in one bedroom and we rotated mattresses every night.  Our neighbors who come to our apartment would be the kids in Pacific Cove.  They would come to hang out.  Sometimes Brandon and/or Jes would come to our place to play games like Bang! with the kids.  Other times, we played soccer on the streets.  We also hosted many parties.  We had two surprise birthday parties, one for Patrick Chan and another for Steven Yuan.   We invited the kids to join the celebration.  The kids added the excitement to our friend birthday party.  We had movie nights with the kids.  We watched the movies from the projector in our apartment.  We watched The Incredibles and The Lion King.  The most difficult thing living in the apartment was food.  Each person received $20 per week to buy food, tithe, and do laundry.  The only way we (five guys) could survive was to pool and budget our money so we can buy very cheap food at Food-4-Less.  Even though we saved a lot of money (from $20-$30 a week), we didn’t buy enough food for us to last throughout the week.  It was our leaders generosity to give us meals that we are alive.  J  It was funny how we were able to live at all in the apartments with kids coming to our place and having $80 worth of food in our fridge.  How we lived?  It was all because of God, not us.
                Another thing that we did in the mission trip was that the team explored San Diego.  For a day, the team split into two groups and looked at two cities.  They used the trolley and the bus to get around the San Diego County.  Brandon, Laura, Patrick, Lyndsey, and I went to two cities while the other members went another two cities (but they didn’t know where the second city was, so they stayed at the first one, which was Barrio Logan).  First city we went to was Downtown San Diego.  This place has an interesting history.  Ten years ago, the place was a rundown urban place that was blighted.  The place would look like skid row in Los Angeles.  However, today it is being renewed.  It has tall buildings, a trolley station, and the Petco stadium where the major baseball team, Padres, played.  Talk about a makeover.   Brandon gave us the tour of Downtown San Diego.  We went the police station, the luxurious apartments and condominiums, and walked around the fine city.  Outside of the downtown, though, were the parts of the rundown urban place.  We saw a big Catholic church called Father Joe.  The church provided services to the poor and the homeless.  I was shocked that there was such a sharp divide between poor and rich in downtown in such a small place; the poor were outside of downtown while the rich and middle class lived inside the city.  After walking around downtown, we went on the trolley to the next city, San Ysidro.  On the way, we got to see Tijuana in the distance.  We could see a giant Mexican flag waving in the middle of that city.  It was awesome.  San Ysidro was the last stop because the city is near the San Diego-Tijuana border.  The city was desolated.  It was very dirty and the streets were long.  There was a swat shop in the parking lot and some plazas.  At the city, we went to see the border fence.  The Border Patrols were at their station checking and passing vehicles.  There was a lot of traffic from both sides.  As we approach the fences, on the sidewalk, we saw the original Spanish missions all along the state of California.  When we looked at the entry to Mexico, people walked through the rotating metal door.  We walked up the stairs to the bridge that was over the
stations where security checks the vehicles.  There was long line of cars we from both side.  We looked at the difference between Tijuana and San Ysidro.   There were ghettos in the TJ.  However, San Ysidro seems to be undeveloped compare to Tijuana.  The divide the fence created between two nations and two cities, and the heavy security from US reminded Brandon of the Berlin Wall when he went to Europe last summer.  As the Berlin Wall divided the West and East of a German city during the Cold War, the fence divided two nations, created a barrier for coming to the USA, and separated families and friends. 
                One day, the team did an interesting activity.  We ate food like the kids in the urban community.  First, we ate a candy bar for breakfast…  That was disgusting.  Then for lunch, we ate chips and candy bar…  For dinner, we ate canned pasta of Chef Ravioli.  That was the best meal of the day.  We called this day Junk Food Day.  The food was horrible; it gave me a headache, stomachache, and I was still hungry.  The worst part of the day was going to the San Diego International Airport to pick up Lyndsey from Seattle.  We were going on two buses for two hours.  At first, we were playing games at the bus stop, very energetic from eating candy and chips.  However, later on, I felt dizzy, tired and hungry from the long bus ride.  I was happy when we came to the airport and met Lyndsey, but going back from the airport for two hours was not pleasing.  The food was upsetting our body and we felt very unhealthy.  How do the kids in the inner city survived, I have no know.  Chizu explained that in the neighborhood, there was no grocery store or chain market; there were only liquor stores in our place.  The food from liquor store provided only junk food to kids; there was no meat, vegetables or fruits.  The kids that eat food from the liquor store would later on bring them to serious health issues such as diabetes and heart problems. 
Learning Day:
                The main activity that the team in SDUP did was Learning Day.   Every Monday, we learned four main issues that the people in the inner-city community face: environmental issue, human trafficking, immigration issue, and race.  We watched a movie and talked the issues.  We visited place that address or affect these issues, talked about how God sees these problems, and how we should respond from what He says in His Word. 
In environmental issue, we talked about how our nation mass produce our food.  We put animals in small cramp spaces while using large amount of fields to make crops.  However, mass-producing food for profit is bad because this method ruins the environment and the natural environmental system.  Pests destroy our crops and become stronger after being immune to chemicals and animals are prone to diseases by being confined in close spaces.  Adding vaccines and medicines only make the diseases become more potent than before.  The way we mass-produce our food by making too much of crops in large fields and animals in small spaces is the reason why we had recalls on our food.  In the movie, Fresh, there is a farmer who is a Christian.  He raised chickens and cows organically, letting cows have space and eating grass and space to move.  He talked about the importance of being stewards for the Earth and raising the animals and crops organically for their health (and it is good for our health once the animals and crops become our food).  After the movie, we did a Bible study in Genesis where Creation begun with John, the director of Urban Project.  The Bible says that God gave man authority over the Earth, but not to use it for our selfishness but to care for the Creation God has created.  When we “subdue” creation, it is like the way we prune the trees.  We make nature look more beautiful, not destroying the environment.  After Bible study, we went to one of our friend house and met Jeremy and his wife.  In their backyard, we saw the chickens in their chicken coup; the ducks and goose; and the compose where they put carbon base trash like banana peel and leaves into the box of dirt and worms to make the soil fertile and be use later on to grow crops.  I liked their little farm.  It was cool.
In human trafficking, we learned that human trafficking is the modern day slavery not only in Asia and South America countries but in America and Europe too.  First, we watched a thriller called Trade.  My mind was baffled of how girls in Third World countries could be abducted in street at daylight and Eastern European women, desperate for jobs, could be fool by smugglers claiming to be an agency that would give her the job.  We visited to a secular group that deals with the issue in the legal system and rescue the victims of sex trafficking.  The organization is committed to fight against sex trafficking that goes on between Tijuana and San Diego.  The leader of the organization was passionate.  She worked with victims of sex trafficking and told the tactics of how the smugglers bring women and children sex trade, and the victims were degraded to sex slaves.  At the end of her presentation, she gave us fact sheets and posters about human trafficking.  At night, a woman, who is the Christian, worked in a special place for women of abuse, ex-prostitutes, and victims of sex trafficking call shelters.  She told stories their past and the start in their new life by going to school and working in a new job.  The shelter is a refuge for the women to get away from pimps and abusive husbands.  (I was not there at the time she came to talk about it.  I went to medical clinic for my health issue with Chizu.)  The loss of innocence and violating the women and children their very being and the image of God to meet the increasing demand for sex in this trade is frightful and pure evil.  For them to recover their life from sex trafficking takes counseling and a very long time.
In the immigration issue, we went to the border with our guest speaker, Lars, in a California State Park, the Border Field State Park.  In the park, we saw an old rusted fence that US created in 1992.  We also saw another new higher fence being built to distance us from getting close to the old fence.  I wonder about the amount of money put into this project to stop immigrants in Mexico and countries in South America and Central America from coming to the United States.  Another interesting fact was how developed Tijuana was (there was city, people playing in the beach, and bull fighting stadium) but not the park in San Diego (it was an empty natural preserve, an abandoned park of empty dusty benches and unused public bathroom, and a border patrol).  The park was also called Friendship Park.  It was a special park because Pat Nixon, wife of President Nixon, went to the park to celebrate the idea that two nations could meet each other and have friendly relations.  There was a statue to remember the event.  When the fence came up in 1992, people from both sides of the fence came to meet together once for a while to see each other.  Crossing over the border and deportation had separated parents from their children and husband from their wife.  Sometimes people would hold hands through the fence to pray together.  Well today, the fence not only ruined the park but it surrounded the statue.  The border patrol told us we could not get near the statue.  The desolation of park is a pretty depressing.  Lars was our guest speaker.  He had deep knowledge of the history of US in dealing with immigrants.  We talked about government policies such as the North America Free Trade Act (NAFTA) negatively affected Mexico economy and destroyed their market.  Because the people in Mexico have no opportunities to work and earn, they would faced starvation and death with their family.  However, America offered a small yet significant opportunity for the people to gain higher living standard and give their family enough food by working as migrant workers, garden workers, and cleaners in gated communities.  Many would take the risk to cross the border for a better life rather than starving to death or seeing their family dead.  How could God be in this?  We talked of ideas of how a rich nation, the US, can help Mexico with their economy rather than beating Mexico market to the ground.  We don’t see any probable solutions and issue is very complicated, but since Mexico is our neighbor, I think God calls us to love and help them improve their living conditions in their place somehow.  In addition, I remembered the verses in Exodus that Israel should treat foreigners kindly, because the Israelites were once foreigners who came and lived in the land of Egypt safely from famine.  God does care about immigrants.
In the issue of race, it is extremely complicated.  Race is part of America past and race still affects our society to this day.  We watched two movies, Freedom Writers and Crash.  We were not comfortable about the problems the minorities had to faced and how racism played in our government and its policies hurt a particular group.  Inspired by Freedom Writers, we went on a road trip to Los Angeles to visit the Museum of Tolerance (MOT).  We went to the Holocaust exhibit and saw how Nazis rose to power in Germany and persecute the Jewish people and heard a story of a Holocaust survivor.  It was crazy the Nazis took advantage of the people in the times economic depression, distrust of their government, and low national pride.  Because of this, Hitler rose to power and became their dictator.  Hitler and the Nazis would used their power to plan and exterminate the Jews and brainwashed the nation to believe that the Jews were a problem to the Western society through propaganda.  The Jews placed in ghettoes, and then killed without mercy in concentration camps.  The realization that all that killing came from a stereotype and hate scared me.  After the museum, we went to Kevin’s house.  Kevin used to be an InterVarsity staff for USC.  Now, he now works as a pastor in the inner city of Los Angeles.  We looked through the passages from Genesis to Revelation of how His Word talks about race.  To name a few examples,  Esther when the Jews were about to be exterminated by Haman, Tower of Babel, at the Pentecost when people of different culture can hear their language from Peter, and when people of all tribes and nations praise God in heaven as described in Revelation.  Then in the Commission, Jesus calls all Christians to go preach the gospel to all nations and tribes.  I can see that in the Kingdom of God, people of different ethnicities praised Him together.  It is difficult to admit but we do discriminate people by race and culture whether we know it or not.  We are different, and God values that.  However, our differences should not be the reason to hurt or tease them.  It is strange that stereotypes can be true, but we not to looked down on them because of their stereotype that we can reach out to them.  As the Samaritan show mercy to the Jewish man who was beaten and almost killed in road, we show mercy and grace to people of nations.
                In the mission project, the team split up to three groups to work in their sites.  There are three sites: Hope in the City, Bridge of Hope, and New Heights Project.  Patrick and Lyndsey worked in Hope in the City with their leader Joon Han.  He is a funny; he is serious and politically incorrect.  They went to business meetings and seminars so they can learn how to create economic opportunities and teach people in the inner city to create their own business.  Laura, Jonathan, and Brandon worked in the Bridge of Hope under the leadership of Sheri.  This group is amazing.  They donate furniture, food, and clothes to families who are in need.  Most of the families were refugees who have come to America.  The workers said that God worked wonders in that group.  Whatever Sheri needs to provide furniture for the family or pay rent for the building, God answered her.   The workers would drive to the donor’s house to take the furniture from the donors’ house and then delivered it to the people in need at their home.  They had an adventure driving all over San Diego to pick up and deliver the furniture to the family.  Lastly, I worked with Thien, Amber, and Steven in New Heights Project.
New Heights Project:
In the New Heights Project, we worked with high school students who lived in area to reach out to the kids in the urban poor community.  Most of the high schoolers were Christians that are hoping to see how God will use them and increase their faith; but two, Isabel and Kevin, were agnostics and got the job to help kids while checking out the faith.  Another student, Salut, was an atheist and Buddhist, who wanted the job for the money, and tries to understand what Christianity is.  The high schoolers are interns, and they were paid $300 for one month, working with us in Vacation Bible School and San Diego Refugee Tutoring.  The high school interns received Servant-Leader training, orientation how to do their jobs in the programs, and had debriefs every Tuesday and Thursday.  Each servant-leader training and debrief had a sermon from a guest speaker or pastor about how God can influence the community in the positive way through the church.  The groups split into four groups to discuss and support each other: each group has a college student as a leader and two-three high school interns.  The job of the college students is to mentor the high school interns.  In my group, I had one more college student, Ashlee, who worked with World Impact, and three high school interns, Jhordan, Melanie, and Ana.  (Ashlee was on the missionary trip from Enumclaw, Washington, and came to teach immigrants and refugees how to speak English as their second language.)  I loved my group.  Each individual are great people.  We got to opened up to talk about our life struggles and how God had done for them.  We also worked together for Kidz Club.  The leaders of the project are Kathy Pham, youth leader for Inward, Outward, and Beyond in Hoover High school, and Chris Brewster, assistant track coach from Hoover High school.   In total, the project had 5 college students, 11 high school interns, and 2 leaders.  Together we reached out to the kids in the poor urban community.
The first thing New Heights project done was promoting VBS.  Each group did “Kidz Club” an area close to the church.  My group got 53rd street.  For two weeks on Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-5:00PM, we went to their apartment complex, spread the blue tarp on the parking lot, and started Kidz Club.  We would invite the kids from 6-12 years old around the neighborhood and did games, worship, crafts, snack, and Bible storytelling.  Each person was responsible for their station: Jhordan was on worship, Melanie on games, Ana on crafts, and I was on Bible storytelling.  The kids were excited and it was difficult to calm them down.  The kids were trying our patience, giving us a hard time.  However, we actually being with them and enjoyed coming down there to spend time with the kids.  At the last day of Kidz Club, we signed up for kids to register for VBS that would happen two weeks later.
                New Heights Project also promoted VBS by ice cream social.  After the last Kidz Club on Thursday, we had an ice cream social at the Colina De Sol Park.  We served ice cream to parents and their kids.  We played with the kids and tried to register them to VBS.  We also went door-to-door around the area so we could bring kids to VBS. 
After that, we had San Diego Refugee Camp.  The three educators thought of the program back in January and wanted to make a summer program for the kids of refugee family.  According to their experience, when kids had emigrated from the country that was reigned by government corruption, war, and persecution and put in a society that has structured and rules, it is difficult for them to assimilate.  The kids saw war and hunger but never attended preschool and acquired the skills to sit in one place and listen to the authority.  In addition, their culture differs from ours on what to eat, how to listen to authority, and how they learn.  Right now, San Diego is #1 in US to receive refugees all over the world: Iraqi, Burma, and all parts of Africa including Sudan and Uganda.  Their religious background and race are diverse: Muslim, Christian, nonreligious, and African, Middle-Eastern, and Burma.  Thanks to Ashlee, she set up the program and created the San Diego Refugee Tutoring for the refugee kids.  The program would last for three days.  There, the children learned English and played a lot.  They got to go to the Children Museum at Downtown San Diego.  On another day, they saw chicken that one of the teachers brought and record on our cell phone what they have learned about chickens.    Before the camp begun, we picked up the kids in their home and walked with them to an elementary school, Ibarra, where we hosted the program.  I picked up Islam, Robriel, and Aram.  They were from Africa and are Muslim.  Then I picked up Kay Reh and Say Reh.  They were Burmese.  During the program, the kids split up into groups.  Each group had three to five kids with two leaders, either two high school interns or one college and one high school. I worked with Mallysa, a high school intern, to teach and look over four kids.  Shadhad and Ban were Iraqi refugees who came over to America two months ago.  I was shocked that they know some English.  Another kid in our group was Musa.  He was from Africa, either Uganda or Sudan, and came over to America a year ago.  The last kid was Prisca.  She is African, but I don’t remembered where she was from, but she liked to talk to Mallysa and me.  After the Refugee Camp, the next day the New Heights Project did a BBQ and invited the kids and their family to come.  They also registered some of the kids to VBS.  Overall, it was very fun.  The kids enjoyed the camp and, though the little boys liked to jump on our backs all the time, we had fun too.  When the BBQ was done on Sunday, we did Day Camp on Monday.
                Three days before San Diego Refugee Tutoring, we prepped for Day Camp.  Day Camp was VBS that was going to last from Monday to Friday at the time 9:00AM-3:00PM.  We practiced skits, listed materials for crafts and games, trained camp counselors, and made a schedule for the program.  It was going to last five days and we were expecting 150 kids to come.  The program cost $3 for one kid or $5 for all the kids in the family from the age of 6-12.  Four organizations worked together to make the program happened: the first organization is the New Heights Project, second is the Urban Life (a youth group of students who graduated or were from Crawford High School under the leadership of Rob), third is World Impact, and last is a team of missionaries from Alabama.  (The team from Alabama was invited over by the pastor in Harbor Mid-City, who once lived in Alabama then was called to go to preach the gospel at City Heights.)  Together, the groups worked together to reach out to the kids in our community, and it was extremely difficult.  The first half, 9-12, was the rotation of games, craft, skits, and story time.  The second would be the major recreational activities.
On the first day, we had 170 kids showed up.  The registration was very slow to process all the kids.  A camp counselor would supervised 10-12 kids in their group, and has difficulty managing the group when few kids were causing trouble or teasing at another kid.  The food team was not prepared to serve that many kids, so they tried to feed the kids first and the adults later.  As a result, many leaders were starving. L I was with the recreational and saw two to three kids go to the nurse for each game the kids played.  The first day was overwhelming.  The second and third day went smoother, but it was still difficult.  I did not realized how kids could be cruel to other kids because of differences.  Racism played a big part: “Stop that Mexican from hitting,” “That Asian kid started it.”  Kids who behaved awkward (for mental illness or had problems at home) were victims of being teased a lot.  We could feel the sense of frustration from their fights and inability to resolve the issues.  Thank goodness Kathy gave the kids the stern warning about teasing others and telling them that the VBS is supposed to be a safe place.  If they try to tease again, we would kick them out. 
I was part of the recreational team.  We set up the games, gave instructions, and played the games with the kids.  Their favorite games were soccer and splish splish splash.  (Splish Splish Splash is a game similar to duck duck goose except the person “splish” the people in the circle with a cup of water.  The way the person tags the individual was to splash a cup of water on their head.)
On the fourth and fifth day, the kids have to go the community pool on the second half of the program.  The girls went first, and then, the boys.  They had such a fun time, even though the boys felt awkward changing their clothes in the locker after swimming.  For some of the kids, this was their first time on the pool, especially for the refugee kids.
When Day Camp was over on Friday, we hosted a BBQ, inviting the family to come and enjoy the event with their children.  The BBQ had two bouncing house for the kids.
The best part of the trip was when Isabel and Kevin accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior on one Wednesday at the second last week of the project.  Isabel went with Thien and Kathy to McDonalds and she accepted Christ there.  Later, Kevin went with Steven and Kathy to Jack-In-Box and he accepted Christ.  At night, the SDUP invited Kevin and Isabel to join worship and prayer.  We worshipped God together and we prayed for Kevin and Isabel.  At the following Sunday, we were at Harbor Mid-City Church and saw them baptized and shared their testimony with us.  It was awesome. 
A week later after the mission trip, Mallysa was baptized and shared her testimony.  I wished I was there to see her, but that is okay.  J
Stories and Last Words:
Lastly, I want to depart to you the stories of the kids in the neighborhood I met in mission trip.  I feel it is necessary to share their stories to you that you may know their life.  God gave many kids and families to the people from SDUP and New Heights Project, and we love them as God as loved us. 
Isaac is 11 or 12 years old.  He was one of our neighbors when we lived at Pacific Cove and saw him at Day Camp.  He came to our place to talk and hang out with guys in the apartment.  When the guys had time, we would play soccer in the streets with a group of boys in the neighborhood.  I heard that he is a very talented soccer player who is at an extremely talented team for the youth.  Despite that, his parents don’t feel like attending his son games, which will be at Los Angeles during August.  His coach takes him to LA so he can play with the team.
Christian is 12 years old.  He was also one our neighbors in Pacific Cove.  We loved him.  He is really special to the kids in the apartment complex.  He is sort like a leader of the group of kids in Pacific Cove.  Thien taught Christian how to play couple of notes on the guitar.  We also played soccer with him.  Despite his smiles and coolness, he has a difficult past.  His mother left him behind with his grandmother and grandpa.  His mom was a crack-addict and a single mother of many kids (I forgot the number).  When she was about to leave, she asked the grandmother to take Christen, because the mom said that Christian is “useless.” 
One day, as Thien walked the Burmese kids up the tall hill, he asked the kids if the hill was difficult.  They said it was not as difficult when they had to hike the hills for days back in their country.  Later on, Ashlee told him Thien of their life back in their country.  The kids and their family would hike over hills and walked through jungles to find food and run away from the soldiers and the government police.  If the solider caught them, they would be killed. 
Jonathan Kao and Steven Yuan have their stories for SDUP online.  Here are the links to their blogs:  (Search the first and second page for his entries on SDUP.)
Thanks for reading this letter.  The people whom God place in my life during the mission are in heart; I will remember until we meet in heaven.  God bless you and good luck in your next chapter in your life.  He is has been faithful and, as long as we follow, He will be with us until the very end.  I will end in this verse, because I heard this verse used many times in SDUP.
Luke 4:16-19
                So He [Jesus] came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up.  And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.  And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah.  And when He had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:
                The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,
                Because He has anointed Me
                To preach the gospel to the poor;
                He has sent Me to heal the
                To proclaim liberty to the captives
                And recovery of sight to the blind,
                To set at liberty those who are
                To proclaim the acceptable year of
                                the LORD.”

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Psalm 23

Psalm 23
The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want. - I don’t want anything else because the Lord is my all. Who is God to us? And who are we to Him? He is everything that we need. Ask yourself, is he the only thing you are looking for? Are we looking for fulfillment in something else other than the Lord?

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures. - God places us in an open green field. Everything we ever need is in that field. When a babe is born, he needs someone to take care of him. Such as we need God to take care of us.

He leads me by still waters. - Imagine an older child, Luke's age, they need to be fed and guided. Still waters is required by sheep, because they are fearful of rough waters. Their wool lengthens so when the rough waters soaks into the wool, they become imbalanced and fall over. As we grow in the Lord, He leads by still waters not rough waters so we become overcome by the troubles this life offers.

He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. - We have been given everything we need through the word. Everything we obtain and work for in our life is for God's glory. It doesnt matter how many times we read an instruction manual, if we never read it and put it to practice we will never know if it works.

Yea, I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, - Where there is shadow, there is light. There is no DEATH in the valley of the shadow. Our journey with the Lord is about LIFE not DEATH! There's life all around us, and there is one shadow in our life and that is DEATH. If we stand in total LIGHT, we are living. What will kill us is not death, but it is our FEAR. The valley always signifies something wonderful and lovely. Our journey with God is GOOD!, but if we choose to fear, the only thing we will be chasing for the rest of our lives is death. We only see a shadow when we look back, or when we are walking away from the light.

I will fear no evil. - If we walk in the valley, there is no fear! If we have issues with God we will never be settled & will not be at peace. We need to make peace with God, and come to His table.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. - We come because God has prepared us for battle. When we have peace, we come to God's table, and we will have peace. How can we win souls for Heaven, if we are not ready for battle? How can we win a battle unless we FIGHT a battle.

If we are afraid of our enemies then we will be paralyzed by fear. But if our enemies are afraid of us, then we really have NOTHING to fear.

Ask and you will receive!!

An Dao

I lived in Vietnam when I was younger. We lived in a really small house made of mud walls and banana leaf roof. Our days were limited to 4 to 5 hours of electricity from 6pm to 10pm. The proximity of bodies was extremely close.

Luke 11:5-8. Sometimes we feel like we pester our neighbor to get to him. We would have the same attitude towards God, where we may think God is slumbering, and in order for us to get something from Him, we much knock incessantly.

V9-13. God is our heavenly Father. And it is Jesus who has taken away the barrier

God is our heavenly Father & we don’t need to beg Him. God does not hold back from us. We don’t need to give him long droned out prayers to get something out of him. Sometimes when we pray, our impression of God can be marred if we allowed unanswered prayer to make God seem like he doesn’t care.


1King Elijah Challenge; Elijah makes a challenge to the 450 prophets of Belial. It was that whoever could get their gods to create a fire. They do an abundance of worship to their god, but to no avail does a fire start. Their efforts are like the man who knocks and knocks on the door to God. When it came to Elijah's turn, he prayed a short prayer. He stood on a stand of authority and confidence. He has knowledge of God's power, so to have understanding of this would allow us to ask of him things on our heart.

So why do we not receive certain things we want? Most likely because we have not asked.

Why is it important for us to ask? Because we want to be obedient to God. It is also more efficient because of our inability to know the best outcome of our situations. Many times we don’t ask because of some spiritual failure in our past. We then start to put God in a box due to our life experiences. The Word of God should dictate who God is, not our life experiences. To overcome this, we need to focus on the Word of God.

2Corinthians1:20. Whatever God has promised, we can ask God for it, and it can be given to us.

So what can we ask God for? We can ask for whatever in Jesus' character.

God is our heavenly Father and we dont need to

What are your needs? There is nothing that we can't ask of God. Who he is allows us to come before him with any requests.  

Good Better Best!

Good Better Best- Tony Dang

When I buy products I like to make comparisons between products to make sure I buy the best. First make comparisons of the product itself, then we take into consideration it's cost. Is the product worth my money? Can I even afford it? If you sum up these steps, you can call it human economics. How does this affect our spiritual life?

We can see that our life has a cost. Jesus Christ had to come down and die for our sins. The best thing we can do for Christ would only cost us our time. What can do as disciples of Jesus Christ? What is the “BEST” thing we can do for Jesus? Best is the highest quality in standing, and nothing can top it. Some of us may say its prayer, but prayer is only a by-product of the
best thing. Some others may say love one another, but it's not the best thing. It might even be going to the ends of the earth to tell everyone about God, but that's not the case either.

The best thing we can do as disciples of Jesus, is to LEARN at the feet of Jesus Christ. Spending time with Jesus and LEARNING.

Luke 10:28-39 During this time women were not allowed to learn from Rabbis directly. But we see in this passage that Mary sat at the feet of Jesus and learned from him. She didn’t care what society said about it, nor did it bother her that the culture didn’t allow women to be received.

Psalms 27:4 David knew that being before God daily was the only thing he truly desired.

Personally I see the benefit of seeking into God's word, and spending time at Jesus' feet. Life will still have its hardships, but now that we are filled with God, the peace of God fills our lives. When things come in our lives we will be able to lean upon God. We are less prone to compromise, and sin. Spending time with Jesus renews our mind and transforms us! Serving God becomes a Joy!

If this is the best thing, why don’t we do it? Its because our flesh wants to do everything than to spend time with Jesus Christ. We try to busy ourselves with stuff so in the end we don’t have time for God. We fill out lives with hobbies, online social networking, hanging out, projects, pursuing careers and education. This ultimately comes to a point where we no longer have time sit at the feet of Jesus to dig into his word. Then we start to make excuses and justify our actions. Finally our lifestyle has come to putting God in the backseat, and God is no longer our priority.

Those activities I've listed aren't bad. They are good things to do, but when they become our priority it severs our relationship with God. It then leads to hardships. The root of our complications in our walk with God usually is from not spending time at the feet of Jesus, and not doing His word.

Luke 10:40-42 Martha had the good intentions. She wanted the best for Jesus. However during her time of service, she lost focus, and lost sight of her priority... she placed those things above Christ. When we as Christians place other things above Christ, we start to do what God calls us to do.

When I place other things in my life as priority, my spiritual walk goes down south. Serving God becomes burdensome. I also become more easily angered, and get annoyed very easy.

This is a necessity as disciples of Jesus Christ, to learn at the feet of Jesus. We don’t live on bread alone, but we live on the word of God. By not doing this best thing, we wont survive as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Don’t consider this as option, it is a NECESSITY!!

I guarantee you, when you spend time at the feet of Jesus, you will find that this is the best thing!