Lessons to Learn in Thessalonians
Sunday Morning Chu Thanh 10/17/10
Background of 1 Thessalonians (References found in: Acts 16-17)
The region of Thessalonica was named after Thessalonica, the half sister of Alexander the Great and the wife of the general. It was at wealthy city with many roman officers. The location of commerce attracted many Jewish merchants. They took advantage of the commercial trading. The harbor attracted a lot of evil and immorality because of the links it had to other regions.
During Paul’s second missionary trip, he saw a vision of a man in Macedonia. He was weeping for Paul to come and evangelize to the city. Paul, Timothy, Titus, and later Luke, sailed across the Aegon Sea to Europe. They first stop at a powerful well established city. Paul casted out a demon from a girl and this landed them in jail. Paul traveled to Thessalonica and went into the synagogues to preach. Paul’s central message was that Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected. The Greeks in the synagogues heard Paul’s message and received Christ. The Church of Thessalonica came into existence. This church would not have come into being without the divine intervention of the Holy Spirit in Paul.
We are a Pentecostal church seeking the power of the Holy Spirit. However, God has already given us the power but we are not doing anything with it. The church would not have come into being without the deep guidance from God.
The Jews that kicked Paul out of Thessalonica followed Paul and tried to stop him from preaching. Paul went south to Corinth and continued preaching. Paul looked back and his heart yearned for the church back in Thessalonica. Timothy later gave word to him that the small church was still thriving and growing.
Paul was impressed to write to Thessalonica:
1) He encouraged the new believers to stay faithful in spite of trials and persecution.
2) He wrote to refuse the false charges that were put against him.
3) He wrote to talk to them about the returning of Jesus Christ and the last days.
Christians who are expecting the return of the Lord Jesus Christ we shouldn’t have room for:
1) Idols in our heart, 1 Thessalonians 1:9
2) Slackness on service, 1 Thessalonians 2:9
3) Division in fellowship
4) Depression 1 Thessalonians 4
5) Sin
We don’t want Jesus to come and see us indulging ourselves in these things. If he does, we will bring shame to Him.
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