Monday, May 10, 2010

Who Is Jesus? Luke 9:18

Saturday Nights at Selah: Tony Dang

Lets start with a question: Who is Jesus Christ? Everyone has to answer this question sometime in their life.

Luke 9:18.
So who is Jesus? Anh Viet spoke about Herod, who asked about Jesus Christ. He asked about what Jesus did. Luke 9:9. Herod was perplexed about who Jesus Christ was, and it’s a good representation to what the world thinks about Jesus.

Another example was when the disciples were sailing and Jesus calmed the sea. The question of who Jesus is has come up on tv such as national geographic, and titles are “who is Jesus Christ”, “The mystery of Jesus Christ”, etc.

Why is the identity of Jesus a complicated subject? Will be answered later.

Who do the people say that I am? –Jesus. The crowd were those that were following his ministry, who saw all his miracles, and heard his teachings. They knew he was not a regular man, but someone divine.

Jehovah witness believes Jesus is God but not the son of God
Mormans believe Jesus is a brother of Satan
Muslims believe Jesus is just a mere man and nothing more than that.
History books say that He is just a man who teaches good morals
Some people have believed that Jesus is just a way for people to make money
Some people who have unveiled the identity of Jesus are elite and are well educated, and we would presume they have the right answers.

Why the subject of Jesus Christ is complicated?
If a man who is worldly, tries to understand spiritual things, it is nearly impossible. Flesh and blood can not reveal to us who Jesus is. That’s why there is so much material out there trying to explain who Jesus is.

Most of us probably know who Jesus Christ is,
But can you answer this?

Is Jesus Christ who we say he is? Is he our first love, do we live out what we say Jesus Christ is? Is he really your savior? Is he the first person you go to in times of trouble? Is he your everything? The world can see us say Jesus is this and that, but our life speaks of something else. And this destroys the image of who Jesus is.

What are you going to do with the answer that people seek after? Mathew 39:38 When Jesus sees someone in need, he is moved in compassion. A while back I spoke about being the light. And at times we lost the passion to do the great commission. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Looking at television, and the media, there are many who are lost, but those who are ready to seek after the lost are very few. Jesus told the disciples to pray for the lost. When we pray for something, it becomes part of our desire for God to do something. Jesus is telling us to become the laborer, not to just sit around and watch other people do it.

Be the person that will bear fruit, and that will bring the harvest.

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