Saturday, June 12, 2010

How to Have an Effective Ministry?! Luke 9:51-54

Tony Dang: Saturday Nights at Selah

How to have an Effective Ministry?

 It is to follow Jesus' example.

  1. You have to be focused in God's will
  • Luke 9:51-52
  • Our messages have started out with Jesus' coming. Now we have coming to a point where Jesus is being received up. A spiritual meaning to this was Jesus knew he was going to be dying for humanity, and he would soon be back with his father. Jesus knew God's plan, and God's will and executed it! He "steadfastly set his face to do God's will". There was nothing to get between Jesus doing God's will. Luke 22:42 Jesus praying to the point where he's sweating out blood. Jesus says not let my will be done but Yours. It was God's will that Jesus took out.
  • If you go into ministry without a goal, or a plan, it would go haywire because there's many different approaches the world, the flesh, and people will drive you in different ways. But if we focus our hearts, mind, and spirit into God's heart, mind, and Holy spirit, we then can find out what he desires for us.
  • To know your strengths, and weakness, just go out and serve! Get involved! It is better to serve than to be stagnant! Also, get encouragement from other believers !
  1. Be able to take rejection
  • Luke 9:53,54
  • With ministry, we know what God is calling us forth to do, but we're fearful of failure and what people think of us. Like dating we start becoming interested in someone, spend time with them, but then we doubt ourselves into becoming more committed into the relationship because we are fearful of what that person thinks of us. With ministry this is GOD'S realm, not ours. It is something God has to have called us to. Is it His. We shouldn’t take it personally when things do go "our" way, but we should be encouraged to move on.  
  1. To have a spirit of mercy and grace
  • Jesus was full of mercy and grace! Be merciful because your Father is merciful. The story of the prodigal son, in his lowest time, he associated himself with the lowliest of animals, swine. But when it was time to return back to his Father, the father accepted him with grace and mercy. It is grace and mercy that leads us to repentance.
  • When we look at the people around us, our neighbors, friends, family, and even enemies, there can exist people who get on our very deepest nerves, however we must remember that vengeance is the Lord's. If we really were here to deserve justice, we would all be in Hell. Come forth with a spirit of mercy, and grace, through this you will be blessed more than you thought was possible.

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