[Anh Thanh's Sunday Morning Message]
We are ambassadors for the Lord. The church and US.
Greg Laurie, Chuck Smith, David Yonggi Cho, David Wilkerson, etc… these men were used in different areas of the ministry, and they possess different gifts and talents.We can come to one conclusion. What is it that makes them so effective? They all pray! For effective ministry to occur, we need prayer.
James brings to light the importance of prayer. He gives an example of Elijah the prophet, what did he do?
- He prayed and fire fell from heaven.
- He prayed, and God shut the heaven, and there was no rain for 3 years.
- He prayed again and it rained!
We may think Elijah is a super prophet, special, no one else on earth is like him. But James talks about Elijah as though he was just a man like us. He has the same passions, weakness, he’s just like us. Its not how much, but how powerful God works through prayer. It’s not how powerful Chuck Smith, Greg Laurie, or David Wilkerson is, but it is how powerful God is when he moves through them. This can happen when they pray.
How powerful can God move when the church prays? In the book of Acts, when the church prayed, the holy spirit fell down on the people. When the church prayed, the ground shook, and chains fell off the servants!
Since WWII, there was a wall that separated east and west Germany. Many tried to escape. However some believed in the power of prayer. There was only a small number, so they met underground, then they grew into a great sanctuary that the numbers grew to 2000 people. People continued to pray. And they prayed for peace. 10,000 people gathered just to pray. It became so crowded that they had to block the nearest offramp to the city, because so many people were traveling there to pray. It was late at night, but people were coming together to pray. October 9th 1989, May. The wall that stood the test of time, came down. Atheists may say it was a coincidence, but I say, it was God moving in the midst of his people. If great masses of people are unified in prayer, things would change. Souls would be added into the kingdom.
1 Timothy 2:1-8
1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time. 7And for this purpose I was appointed a herald and an apostle—I am telling the truth, I am not lying—and a teacher of the true faith to the Gentiles.
8I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing.
Paul’s instruction to Timothy was to pray. First, the most important thing when gathering together, is to have people pray. A vibrant and soul winning church is one in which people PRAY. We desire for God’s blessing on our church, but we are lacking prayer. As a preacher, I know the power of prayer, but I guarantee you I spend more time researching, practicing on my guitar, reading, and that’s why my message is boring, and there’s no power. My time is not committed to prayer.
We cannot neglect the importance for prayer, and how it can affect our lives.
Ex. A pastor once said about his congregation, when I announce a banquet or potluck, people would come out from their wood working to attend. But when I announce prayer, I would be lucky if my ushers came.
Isnt that the condition of our church today?
We can have the power be like the great men which I name earlier. We have the opportunity to avail ourselves to be used by God.
If we want power, we’re going pay the price. We have to get of the bed, put things aside to pray. Above and beyond all other things, set things aside and begin to pray.
Supplication prayer, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks be made for all men.
Supplication prayer, prayers, intercessions, and giving thanks be made for all men.
Supplication is a lack of something. When you go to the lord and ask him to supply your needs. Coming to the Lord and asking him, and telling him our needs
Prayer is communication to God. This is not something to be taken lightly. Communion takes place WITH God. We can share with him how we feel. It speaks about our heart of love. God is our audience. Ex: Mathew coming to me and saying “come eat dad”. It’s a different kind of experience when you are speaking to God. You don’t need to ask God for things all the time, he already knows what you need. God rejoices in us when we just appreciate him for who he is.
The highest form of prayer, is to appreciate others. To sympathize (feeling other’s hurt & pain). When the holy spirit intercedes for us. He intercedes for us day & night. The holy spirit is falling in WITH us. He understands our needs.
When we have compassion for someone, and you love someone, your prayer for them is not cold. You pray with fervency, fire, and zeal. This is what intercession is!
When Elijah prayed for rain, he was praying for Israel. He knew the time had come, and God would send rain. He went up to the top of the mountain. He put his head to his knees, it’s stance of a woman giving birth. The passion, and energy, to pray for others.
Charles Spurgeon “ if you want to bring souls to heaven, you have to pray first!”
GIVING THANKS! Thank God for the things in your life. Thank God for who he is, and for the fellowship you have in him.
Its made for all men.
We often are stuck on our “NEEDS”. But it’s time for us to see beyond our needs. We cant forget the churches next to us, Vietnam!, Harvest Crusade. We don’t need to be in Vietnam to pray for someone, but we can be in our closet and pray for the people there.
There is no MAN on earth who is greater than those who influence us to pray. Poor, rich, close, far, near, kings, authorities, PRAY for these people. Ex. Because we recognize the office of those in authority such as Obama, some may not agree with him, but we need to pray for him regardless.
When we pray for others, this is so that we may live a peaceful life. This creates calmness within the heart!
It is better to pray for people who are in charge to lead us.
To break through we need to pray!
Why should I pray anyways? BECAUSE IT PLEASES GOD!!
I just want to pray because I want to be a vessel that God uses to make things happen.
Why we come to pray, to do things, it’s because we are to please God!
God desires that all men should be saved, and he desires that they all know the truth. This is consistent with God’s character. “Turn to Me and be saved!”
2Peter 3:9
God is merciful and patient, desiring that all men should be saved.
God is merciful and patient, desiring that all men should be saved.
The more we bathe ourselves in the word of God, we will know what pleases God and what doesn’t please him.
With focus and with unity, the spiritual chain will be broken!
There is an added strength when we come together and pray.
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