Thursday, April 22, 2010

2 Samuel 17:23 The Power of Christ

2 Samuel 17:23

When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He put his house in order and then hanged himself. So he died and was buried in his father's tomb.

Some background on this story, Absolom is King David's son. He is a rebellious son trying to kill his father to take over the throne. Ahitophel is Absolom's counsler, and wanted to inform Ahitophel of David's whereabout. However, Absolom was not going to listen.

"When Ahitophel realized Absolom was not going to take his counsel, he knew David would eventually return to power, and that he would be hung as a traitor... It has been said that bitterness is like swallowing a bottle of poison, and waiting for the other person to die. David doesn't die in this story. Ahithophel does.

 Like Ahithophel, Jesus came to us with wise counsel. Ahithophel saddled an ass. So did Jesus. Ahithophel rode into the city. So did Jesus. Ahithophel put his household in order. Jesus went to the Upper Room and gave instructions to His disciples. Anhithophel hanged himself. Jesus went willingly to the Cross, where He, too, hung for you and me. Ahithophel was buried in a sepulchre. Jesus was placed in a sepulchre. But, unlike Ahithophel, Jesus rose again.

I might have reason to be upset or bitter. But I can either be hung up by my bitterness, or I can see that Jesus took the reason for my bitterness upon Himself. We need not be bitter with anyone because Jesus understands our hurt, and it killed Him. Happy indeed is the man whose sins are forgiven (Romans 4:7), not only the sins he's committed, but also the sins committed toward him. The gospel frees us not only from our own sin, but also from the sin round about us. And I'm so glad."

-Jon Courson (Excerpt borrowed from Application Commentary: Old Testament")

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