In OUR beginning stages of ministry, there has been many things on our hearts that many of us in the group wanted to do. We definitely needed a name, and legitimate one. And finally we have one. To start off we'll begin this brand spankin' new blog with our statement of faith, and how to contact us. It'll take a while before things start looking "prettier", but we'll have to make do with the lack of 24 hours we're given, and the amount of strength we have to actually be doing any of this. So here goes!
We do not define ourselves by Selah, but Selah is a characteristic of how God has defined just one part of us. Selah as defined by the Holman Bible Dictionary as a pause either for silence or a musical interlude. It can also be a signal for the congregation to sing, recite, or fall prostrate on the ground. At times it can be a cue for cymbals to crash, a word to be shouted by the congregation, or a sign to the choir to sing a higher pitch or louder.
For us, Selah is our pause in the week. It is our place to come, be refreshed, renewed, and revamped. Here we worship God in spirit and in truth, and we are edified by teachings from the Bible. Selah Fellowship, is really a gathering of believers, together striving for unity, love, and greater intimacy with God.
We believe that salvation lays solely on the decision made to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. His death on the cross marked the forgiveness of all our sins from today, tomorrow, into eternity.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the one and only true God, and his words which are written in the Bible have stood the tests of time.
We believe that the Holy Spirit can allow us to tangibly experience God, and to fulfill the role of a helper in our lives in replacement of Jesus’ return to heaven after his resurrection. He is the one who helps us to understand the Word, and intercedes on our behalf during times of difficulties and struggles.
We believe that everyone can be saved, and our doors are open for all those who would like to make the decision to know God, follow Jesus, and have eternal life.
Come visit us at 13421 Edwards St, Westminster, CA 92683.
Our service times are Saturday 7pm & Sunday 9am.
If you have any questions, or need any prayer, please feel free to contact us here:
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