Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Absolute Surrender" :: REVAMPED. Friday Evening Service- Thanh Tran

2Timothy 1:6

Revamped, what does it mean? Renewed, refreshed, restored. It comes from 'revival'. Our passion for God has died out in some measure for each person, and here we are coming together to become renewed in Him again.

During the time the book of Timothy was written, Paul was writing to Timothy from the church of Ephesus. It was a time where Nero was ruling Rome.

Who can we say our heros are? Mine is Joshua, fighting giants, and large armies. David, Paul, ... but not Timothy. However, Timothy relates to us a lot. He's not the strongest, not the bravest, and the passion in him to fight for the Lord is nearly gone. Paul, Timothy's spiritual father, wrote a letter to Timothy while in prison.

The gift we have to work the ministry is already there. It could be praying, evangelism, helping people... etc. We all have gifts. Dont let your die out! Fan them into flame!

The first flame that goes out in our hearts is worship. When we head to camp, worship is powerful, and touching. But when the flame dies down... worship goes first.

So what is worship?
1. Absolute surrender. Genesis 22:5. The first time the word worship appears in the Bible. It gives us an image of worship. Its not just bowing, or saying "I love you a lot God", it's giving God everything. "I love and desire to see God work through me and everything in me.

2. Complete Abandonment. Abraham left behind his family, and the influences of his surroundings to obey God. He wanted to surrender, and abandonment his heart, and his life in the worship of God. Amos 5:22,23. When coming into the house of God, abandon ALL. Remember when you worship, we worship in the audience of ONE. “It is GOD who is listening to you”- Greg Laurie.

Where do we worship?
John 4:20-23

How do we worship God?
John 4:23 IN spirit and in truth! It refers to OUR spirit, not to the HOly Spirit. Forget about the outward appearance, Forget about the world. Surrender to me just who YOU are, I want to connect with you - God.  Music is beyond the outward appearance, It's beyond what we know now today. WORSHIP GOD IN SPIRIT AND IN TRUTH!

Truth: Truth that is revealed by God himself. The bible. The things Jesus has said. God's character as shown through the bible.

The Father is seeking for those to worship Him!! Its not just what I can do for God, but what God can do THROUGH ME when I TRULY worship Him!

When God finds us, we're going to burn with a flame that refines and revives our soul! We've come into a place intimacy with God. 

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